Issue Areas
Winton Policy Group has extensive experience in the Capitol across multiple sectors.
Missouri’s $28 billion budget is the backbone of government operations and often crucial to implementing policies. Given the state’s cyclically tight revenues, securing and maintaining funds is a crucial legislative objective. Winton Policy Group has over two decades of
experience in the appropriations process. With a detailed grasp of the budget and funding streams, we work with clients to maintain funds for existing programs, secure new money, and maximize existing revenue. Successful appropriations efforts include:
$3 million to begin the creation of adult high schools.
$1 million increase for intensive interventions to help families at risk of entering the foster care system.
Behavioral Health
The WPG team is proud to represent groups providing behavioral health services in schools, healthcare facilities, private practice, and the corrections system. Strengthening Missouri’s behavioral health system requires efforts in policy, appropriations, stakeholder engagement,
and department regulations. We engage across all fronts to create additional reimbursement opportunities and reduce barriers to providing care. Our results include:
Enhancing Medicaid reimbursement for providers of evidence-based services to child trauma victims.
Permitting medication take-back receptacles for the safe disposal of opioids.
Child Welfare
We represent best-in-class organizations devoted to evidence-based approaches to child safety, permanency, and long-term wellbeing. Our team is passionate about supporting these organizations through policy and budgetary changes. We have also worked with the Children’s Division for over two decades. We understand the regulatory environment and have the relationships to address rule, policy, and contract changes. The WPG team has successfully worked with clients on:
Creating the framework for Missouri’s foster care case management system.
Reauthorizing the Champion for Children tax credit.
Missouri is on track to need an additional 2,300 prison beds by FY 2021, making corrections reform a pivotal human service and fiscal issue. Winton Policy Group has extensive experience in corrections, specifically substance-use treatment. We have successfully pushed for expanded treatment opportunities behind the walls and in the community. Our team’s successful initiatives include:
Funding to provide medication-assisted treatment and case management to offenders entering community treatment.
Supporting funding for a statewide re-entry program to serve offenders returning to the community.
Healthcare is among the most complicated topics addressed in the General Assembly. Navigating health policy requires an intimate understanding of insurance, professional regulation, delivery models, and more. The WPG team has been part of major legislative proposals addressing insurance reform, prompt pay, and telehealth that have shaped the healthcare environment. Our results include:
Commercial insurance reform to address emergency department claim denials and direct provider payments for emergency situations or authorized services.
Securing a limited mileage exemption for nurses and physicians in rural health clinics.
Innovation and Technology
Winton Policy Group works with cutting-edge groups that are bringing technology solutions to Missouri. We have specific expertise in state agency procurement of IT and human service solutions. Successful efforts include:
Requiring third-party verification of eligibility data for public programs.
Creating opportunities for dialogue with state departments on IT procurements.
Local Government
Local governments must vigilantly monitor the Legislature for policies that impact their operations. Winton Policy Group has represented county officeholders for 20 years. The WPG team understands the complex interplay between state and local government. We have successfully moved bills to improve county government processes and blocked policies that threaten their operations. Our results include:
Standardizing document requirements and fees for County Recorders.
Modifying the Statutory County Recorders Fund to protect counties from steep revenue losses.
Long-term Care and Senior Services
Missouri’s growing senior population requires targeted solutions in healthcare, community services, job training, and housing. We have worked with senior housing and community support providers on regulatory reform, funding initiatives, and tax credits. Winton Policy Group also has experience in the certificate of need (CON) process, both supporting projects during and after the application process and opposing applications that would harm the existing healthcare environment. The WPG team has worked with clients to:
Secure ongoing funds for programs that support seniors living in the community.
Facilitate successful applications to the Missouri Housing Development Commission to support building a major senior housing complex.
Medicaid is a growing piece of the state’s budget and often a politically contentious program. With a detailed understanding of the system and strong relationships with department staff, the WPG team can cut through the noise to deliver on policy change. Our clients include providers across the state dedicated to delivering quality care. Our results include new reimbursement mechanisms, integrating innovative solutions such as telehealth, and thwarting proposals that place undue burdens on providers. We are heavily engaged in the regulatory environment, helping clients navigate proposed rules and working with the department to modify regulations that conflict with best practices. Successful legislative initiatives include:
Telehealth reform to expand Medicaid reimbursement opportunities.
Creation of a Medicaid code to reimburse community paramedics who treat patients on site.
Professional Registration
For many professions, state policy governs scope of practice, disciplinary proceedings, and licensure requirements. Maintaining professional standards while protecting licensees from unnecessary burdens is a complex balance. The WPG team has successfully moved bills to restructure licensure classes and clarify professional scope. We also work directly with Boards and Commissions, monitor the rulemaking process, and help make recommendations for Board appointments. Our results include:
Restructuring licensure classes for social workers.
Protecting hospitals’ ability to set licensure standards for employees.
A safe and reliable energy grid is critical for Missouri’s economic development. Every year policy is introduced to change utility ratemaking and regulation. We know how to work with industry coalitions on large-scale change as well as on narrow policies to meet our clients’ needs. Successful initiatives include:
Modifying requirements for municipal utility sales.
Blocking proposed burdens on utilities during the municipal acquisition process.